Please see below a detailed list of our prices; it is not possible to give an accurate cost of an individual treatment plan online or over the phone as a full clinical examination is needed, but the list below should give you an indication of our treatment costs.
All patients will be advised at their dental health check of the treatment required and full costings will be given. A written treatment plan and costings will be given.
You may be entitled to a free dental health check and contribution to a scale and polish through your PRSI contributions. We will be happy to check this for you using your PPS number.
Medical Card
We do not accept medical cards.
Garda Medical Aid
You may be entitled to claim some of the cost of your treatment if you are a member of the Garda medical aid. We will gladly fill out any forms required to enable you to do this.
Private Health Insurance
If you have private health insurance you may be entitled to claim some of the treatment cost and we will be happy to assist you with this. We participate in the VHI DeCare scheme and we will be glad to complete the forms you will require to claim back your entitlements.
Tax Relief
Certain dental treatments are covered under the med 2 form. You can claim 20% of the total cost of these treatments back. We will be happy to give you your med 2 form at the end of any applicable treatments.